Many women experience dental problems when they are pregnant. The baby requires plenty of nutrients, including calcium, to grow. It may be difficult for a woman to get the nutrients she needs if she isn’t careful, and this can cause her teeth to start being affected. Also, nausea that so often comes with pregnancy creates an acidic environment in her mouth. This acid wears away the tooth enamel if allowed to linger for too long. Many dental procedures can’t be done while a woman is pregnant. Pregnancy and oral health may seem like two things that can’t be compatible. This doesn’t have to be the case. Here at Lovett Dental Corpus Christi, we have compiled a list of pregnancy dental care tips to help you get through your pregnancy with a healthy set of teeth.
Brush and Floss
Make sure you keep up your normal brushing and flossing routine. Some women find they prefer a milder tasting toothpaste during the early stages of pregnancy. If the harsher taste of adult toothpaste bothers you, try some children’s toothpaste, which often comes in much more mild flavors.
Monitor Your Gums
Keep a close watch for any signs of gingivitis. This bacteria can enter your bloodstream and cause plaque. If you see signs of redness, bleeding, or swelling, contact a dentist immediately so you can get it under control before it becomes an even greater problem. Neglecting your gums can lead to periodontitis or gum disease.
Use Baking Soda
As pregnancy dental care tips go, this one may seem unusual at first. Swish your mouth up to two times a day with a baking soda and water mixture. Nausea and vomiting can leave acidic residue on your teeth. During the early stages of pregnancy, morning sickness may leave your mouth acidic. The acid will then eat away at tooth enamel. By swishing baking soda and water around twice a day, you help to neutralize that acid.
Limit Sugar
Sugar tends to stick around and cause cavities, which then require fillings or sealants to remedy. Limit the amount you eat and make it a habit to brush your teeth after eating or drinking anything with sugar in it. When you can’t brush, consider chewing cinnamon gum or nibbling an apple or a few carrot sticks.
Manage Any Pica
Pregnancy and cravings always seem to go together and are often the subject of many jokes. Some women, however, get cravings for non-food items. This is called pica. The items can damage your teeth and your health. If you find yourself with this kind of cravings, contact your doctor right away to get the cravings under control.
Take Your Vitamins
Prenatal vitamins are designed with the idea of what extra nutrients a pregnant woman needs. All it takes is a few seconds a day to swallow a daily vitamin, but it can help you and your teeth stay healthy throughout the duration of your pregnancy.
Eat Healthily
Pregnancy and oral health both rely on you staying as healthy as possible. As pregnancy dental care tips go, this may be one of the most important. Make sure you eat a healthy diet. Get a wide variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. This will go a long way to keeping your body and your teeth in top shape.
Visit Our Office at Lovett Dental Corpus Christi
If you are thinking about getting pregnant, it may be the perfect time to contact Lovett Dental Corpus Christi at 361-986-1117 to schedule an exam and teeth cleaning. We believe that if you go into your pregnancy with a clean, healthy mouth, you increase your chances of having a healthy smile at the end of the pregnancy. Teeth cleanings are one of the procedures you can safely undergo during pregnancy, so don’t avoid them. Contact us today.