If you have severe mouth pain, root exposure, or receding gums, a connective tissue graft may be exactly the solution you seek. Connective tissue grafts from Lovett Dental Corpus Christi, Texas, can help improve your quality of life in countless ways. This professional dental procedure will eliminate pain in the long term and return confidence back to your smile.
What Are Connective Tissue Grafts?
A connective tissue graft is a surgical procedure to help resolve the dangers of gum recession. The reason gum recession is dangerous is that as more of your tooth reveals itself, the more likely you risk exposing your tooth root. This is a highly painful oral health issue. The deterioration of gum tissue can also result in a reduction of bone loss in the area surrounding the tooth. If you allow gum recession to continue without treatment, it can lead to losing your teeth, developing bad breath, and rising tooth decay.
You may experience gum loss before even realizing it. Most people begin to notice a change in their smile due to a gradual gum recession. This can have negative effects on your self-confidence before it is a serious dental issue. As a result, it is possible to receive connective tissue grafts for cosmetic and preventative care before it is medically necessary. Keep in mind that dental insurance may not cover a connective tissue graft for cosmetic reasons whereas insurance may cover the cost of a connective tissue graft for necessary dental reasons.
Connective Tissue Graft Prevention
The individuals who require gum tissue grafting will vary. Any person of any age or gender can require such services. The good news is that you can take preventative measures to reduce the need for gum reduction surgical procedures. These steps will also help improve your overall oral health. The best step you can take is to follow good oral health practices. These include brushing and flossing every day. When you do brush, be sure to do so gently. The act of hard or aggressive brushing can contribute to a number of dental issues, including gum recession and enamel erosion. Another way to prevent the need for connective tissue grafts is to avoid mouth piercings of any sort. You should also stop using tobacco (if you use it), and you should seek out dental care if you grind your teeth.
The reason people experience gum tissue problems varies from person to person. Some people may have a genetic predisposition that attributes to the problem. Other people experience issues with gum tissue due to poor oral hygiene. In certain instances, gum inflammation is a direct contributor. This type of inflammation can occur due to plaque buildup, gingivitis, and other oral health issues. Receding gums is most common in people over the age of 65. However, people who use tobacco products, and individuals with diabetes are also highly susceptible.
Top Dentistry Services for Connective Tissue Grafts
Regardless of the reason you have a need for connective tissue grafts, you can select from a variety of dental services. These services focus specifically on the ability to treat receding gums as well as to prevent the need for such surgical procedures in the future. They include:
Most of the time, periodontics practices are where you must get connective tissue skin grafts rather than at a traditional general dental practice. At Lovett Dental, we offer all possible dental services in one location to provide greater convenience to your life.
Gum tissue grafting in Corpus Christi, Texas, can help restore confidence in your smile, ease your pain, and prevent further oral health issues. Contact Lovett Dental Corpus Christi at 361-986-1117 to find out if gum tissue grafting is right for you.